The developer role is fundamentally about creating thoughtfully designed and technically powerful tools to solve problems.

Initially, development was a hobby, extended from problem-solving, math, and drawing, all of which I’ve enjoyed throughout my life. As I learned more sophisticated skills in app development, data visualization, system modeling, etc. however, I recognized that the intersection of development-based functionality and art-based design gave me the opportunity to create products that solved nuanced and pervasive issues. The developer role then, is intrinsically related to computer science, data analytics, and software dev just as much as it is art and design. In all of my work I bring these two skills and passions together to create truly remarkable products.


I concentrate mostly on app and mobile development in an iOS ecosystem, however I have worked with low-level hardware/software interaction, reactionary database management, game-engines, and data visualization throughout the past 6 years. All my projects begin by identifying a problem, then designing and iterating on a product until I have a satisfying and well crafted solution. My most recent projects have been custom built, mobile social networks, journalistic data visualizers, and swiftUI packages.


I encourage you to check out any product you find interesting. Each has a description of my problem identification + design process, my role in the project, its github/product page, and other important information. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!

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Skills & Experience

6+ years of development Experience

Fluent in 7+ languages

7 commercially released, independent projects

Apple Developer Certified



Swift + SwiftUI Package

UIUniversals is a collection of custom swift & swiftUI views, viewModifiers, and extensions. They are designed to be functional and styled views out of the box, however they boast high customization and flexibility to fit into a variety of apps and projects.


iOS App | mongoDB | SwiftUI

Recall is a calendar based app designed around recording daily events to be able to view trends in productivity, goal completion, and time management over time. It is built natively in swift and swiftUI on the front end, and uses MongoDB and Realm DeviceSync on the backend.

iOS App | mongoDB | SwiftUI


Echeveria is a social platform designed around recording game statistics. Users create social groups to share their personal and collective game data—wins, losses, winstreaks, time spent playing games—with their friends. It is built with swift + swiftUI for front end, and MonngoDB + Realm DeviceSync for back end.


C / C++ Package | Python API | Graphics Engine

Python Package | Data Visualizer

Web Dev | Angular JS | Astro

iOS, iPad, & Mac app | SwiftUI